“This is the first FIRE calculator I’ve used that lays out my retirement clearly. The charts add a whole new sense of security that an exponentially rising graph just can’t.”
Forecasts provide a detailed roadmap of how and when you'll reach financial independence.
Our budgeting app will make you feel like you just got a raise. Freely spend on what matters most.
Get support and feedback by easily sharing your forecasts with others. No spreadsheets needed.
Always know how far ahead or behind you are on your plan. Make adjustments and see their impact.
Not only will you see when you reach financial independence but you'll see precisely how. Learning and understanding the details on a year by year basis will not only help you pave your path but it will increase your confidence.
“This is the first FIRE calculator I’ve used that lays out my retirement clearly. The charts add a whole new sense of security that an exponentially rising graph just can’t.”
Visualize how your money grows and where along your path you’ll reach financial independence. Once you reach financial independence, your money won't stop working - our charts prove it.
“I'm new to FIRE and the forecast thingamabob :) really helped me realize that it's possible and how to achieve financial independence.”
Planning a major event like a home remodel? Compare forecasts to see how it impact your FIRE plan before making a decision.
“We found out we were having twins and needed a larger house. Seeing how a remodel would impact our FIRE plans helped us make an informed decision. We went ahead with the remodel, because twins, but knew ahead of time what it meant for us.”
Budgets done right will feel liberating. Our simple, yet elegant, app will take all the guilt out of spending the money you worked hard to earn.
Learn more about our budgeting app, Spend.
“My husband and I could never get on the same page with budgeting. Our brains and money habits were very different. He put the app on my phone and after two weeks we were having productive money conversations.”